
Showing posts from 2009
Happy new year every one watch this space!
Really anoyed that relates Jedi sites use our organization name!
Lush gota bat man cape for Xmas woop Its sooo cold jake call me !!!!
Finding space for all ur new stuff after christmas is hard!! Lol how's every one?
Just want to wish every one a very merry Christmas, woop
Lush i earned £4.44 from letting google advertise on my youtube vids and jedi site :)
WE DID IT !!!!!!! RAGE IS No.1 Xmas 2009!!! RATM
Well done to every one in the rage group!
Please buy a copy of killing in the name by rage against the machine @ratm4xmas RATM ratm4xmas
Please every one stand up for once and buy killing in the name of by rage against the machine it is time to make music history!
Xfactor vs Rage
Rage no1 in iTunes chart keep the downloads coming ppl! Please stand up for people power down with xfactor!
Awesome rage against the machine are 10% of teethy joe!!!!
Rage for christmas no.1!!!!!!!! D/L killing in the name of help support people power
RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE FOR XMAS NO.1 Download killing in the name of to show true people power not TV bull crap
Has any one seen fred claus? Also downloads rage against the machine - killng in the name of!
PLEASE any one who don't like xfactor buy Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the name of, it is No.2 already lets make it a xmas no.1!!!!
Had an amazing convo with johovers today I even craked a joke lolage
Episode 3 of my TV show is on now!!! go look yall'
Morning all, will have episode 3 of my TV show on some time today !! how are we all ??
Aouch stll sore any good ideas what to do
Every one what can I do since I can't walk any ideas ?????
Pic of me in hospital today with gown.
Omg up so early thanks for the sex change jokes every one Jake u gay-boy.
Oporation in the morning wish me luck :P
Omg got billy Bragg stuck in my head ! Such a cool songwriter! What's every one up to?
On tv tonight sky channel 990 at 11.20 ;)
I love the constant battle to comunicate with the offce cleaner who is asian. It's almost like comedy carry on McKesson
Darn car!!!, I'm now shopping for a new vehicle cars are so expensive !!!!!
Episode 2 of Danxms3 TV check it out!!! ;)
Wow has any one used Sky on there xBox yet ?
Yes! Mill carton balms!!
Fook it's rainy ! Off to Bangor humnn my toe hurts :(
I'm gonna start a UFO investigation group I have celebs on board who's with me?
The fourh kind I'm in cine world now going to see it eek should be good !
This is the bigest lolly in the world
Ok does any one know where to get milk carton chap sticks from?!?!?!
Well I'm in Bangor buyig nomis dance stuff and looking for milk carton chap sticks!!! Can't find them!!!
John and Edward to win!!!!!
Can't find my orange tux :/ got a new wallet ! Score
DAmn rain!, charlie n the choc factory was cool, some ppl are dicks on youtube, gona buy an orange tuxedo top hat n cane
Ok ok what film to watch help Charlie and the choc factory or! Benjamin button?!?? What do u think
Wow awesome day can't belive I was Sliping on Ice last night !! Grr damn sleet jess stop laughig!
Well thank crap I'm out of my cast! I'll be talking bout it in my next episode
In the hospta. Board crapless so many wired people here, :/
New video on my site my tv show x
Hey y'all what's up!!!!! Damn I'm fuckong cool
Totaly just got on the leader board on lips2 xbox with barney!!
So cold gonna see nomi now :D xx
Early start waiting for ginj bless his red head
Jurnemburh jurnemburh duh fiff of novemburh gun powder treason n plot there is no reason why gunpowder treaso should ever be forgot.
Humn I have a pc I don't want so like I may give it away on here, maybe run a comp quiz lol
Nomis and my pumpkin! Guess who's is who's
Making noodles :) mmmmmmmmmm water melon n ben n jerrys after
Here I am eating the candy's for the Halloween kids lol there so good!
Gay lol my stuff keeps getting hijaked, damn!
loves ballet !! xx
Off to Morrison then to tidy my room :/ lol
Off to hopsicle :/ getting a ct scan eeek
Big thanks to mike fir doing my room, how's every one
Any 1 ever seen don't tell the bride tv show? :/
I love naomi forever. She is so hot!! Xx
I'm such a mahoosive gay xx
Having spag boll with nomi :D
Mmm toast is lush, not another teen movie is so funy!
bring it pumpkin tits. xx
MY GF is a big gay (FB Hi-Jaker) :P xx
off to watch wizard of ozz now.. man i love that film. anyone else just love sitting in the sun making daisy chains??? xx
Lush a bouncey castle in my nephews party :P
i love naomi louise jones
at nite i turn into a toad at precisely! if anyone knows how to cure this plis get back to me. much love x
Hey world mike my cuz is an elbend
Michael Moore is my new Heroe! Rock on
Darn it! hands in plaster! bright pink may i add
I ate a chocolate coverd ant last night:/ was pretty cool. Going to fracture clinc :(
Omg I didn't know there where 3 van wilder films! Got me some catching up to do! Mazltof!
Hey y'all sup! Omg the hills rules, I'm shitting it for my oporation :/ what y'all up to
Got hospital opoint ment sorted for an op:/ scary, new features on the Jedi site new xms3 songs rocking!
:/ am I a nerd? Yes of No
Mmm sunny Wales in Llandudno :)
On the way home only another 3 hours :P mmm burger king was lush
Oh my goodness just been on BBC 1 live, booyacasha!
Just had the strangest meal with dave and naomi :) rofl :| tv tomorrow! Eeeek
Oo 3 hours away should be fun I hope I look lush on tv tomorrow lol jk
On my way to cantibury live tv apearence bbc1 10 am tomorrow morning :)
In the car with dave the rave &. Holmes blink182 blasting :)
Just about to leave for carubury slaters
Yo every one BBC 1 Sunday morning 10-11am I'm live on the big question with nicky Campell
omfg my hand is broken blud and has been for the past 2 weeks, hospital misread the x-ray
I'm gonna watch fame now :/ lol hope it's good
Hey world I'm so hungry, gonna watch the hills tonight
Awesome this frescato is lulululursh mmmmm where to eat dinner that's the question
I am sitting next to 4 EXTREMELY gay men 2 are French :/ help!
In costa Bangor having a frescato mmmmm if ur bord in Bangor say hi
Driving my girl in to Bangor gonna get a smoothie later :P
Mmm sunday dinner rules ;) I want chocolate & pizza but not right now :)
Cooking Sunday dinner! Check me out haha van wilder is an awesome movie
NAOMI IS SUCH A LOSER :( :P but i love her DAMN! leaving my Mac on!
I have to go cantebry next Sunday I'm live on bbc1 the big question! Everyone watch it! Lol phone in ;)
Mmm had a milkshake and fries :/ hehe lush weather!
Mmmm it's Saturday weather is awesome what's everyone els doing ?
Going shopping for dinner, mm and a DVD to watch every one check out
Xms3 wer on cannadian radio 1 last night also interview was good! I wached the lake house :) was real good!
Jedi Church Site Now UP! :D
Davids gayvids half price ;)
Hello World, I'm currently force training, every one should by a Force Trainer you get a discount off our site
Thanks for every one supporting the TESCO incident, if your a Jedi please drop me a message, THE SUN NEWS PAPER TOMORROW
Thanks for every one supporting the TESCO incident, if your a Jedi please drop me a message. Dan
TESCO Victimization of Jedi Knights Global!!
Was kicked out of tesco today ! What's with store managers man!
Inwork gonna take my daily walk :p
Awesome weekend, shame i missed Exit Avenue :/ will be gigin with them sooooooon, heads up Jedi Stuff real soon :P
:/ miss my girl friend, why can't every day be a weekend lol x
Lovly deceration in this restaurant
Out to dinner with the family :) shake shake it lol :Px
Loretta made this pic of me !
Hello world! Fixing MacBooks and site building/ song writing love it! I'm gonna start my own tv show any one gonna watch?
Really busy getting the Jedi site up and ready!!!, also have allot of other sites to build. An one els just love MacBooks ;)
I don't think Jaco was a Pedofile, but was an individual. Im looking for a new motor :/
That Guy from rajas holyhead FAIL at driving outside Bar 2
Wow check out my pix from my holiday to the amazon
I'm in a castle :P
Xms3 have new songs woop new Jedi site up in about a week yo to my friends I love you all but Im busy at the moment xx
Yo got 12mm plugs check this out ;) night world
Had jimmy eat worl in my head all day got antibiotics for my toe:/ gota wait to see a surgeion. Damn it the V-dubs ok tho :)
Just been playing some major league baseball on the yee olde sexBox, Wooop!
Having lunch wth holmes n barney damn my toe is klling me!
Realy nice day had noodles for lunch work is going cool and staying at my girls house to night :) x how's every one?
Yo haven't posted in a while I'm at a family gathering with my girl friend it's pretty fun I maybe setting up a company if u need a site hit me up!
In work doing some work on the site :) big hey to my Holmes :DXX. Word up to every one who reads this bad boy p.s google Empire Of The City
Morning every one how do, any one think of time travel a all and if so what are your thoughts :P
Vote my fail pic
Omg I think I'm obsessed with the hills! Such a good show! Who's with me on this one?
Rented out the yes man on iTunes gonna snuggle up with my sweetie n have a laugh, ate to much pizza :|
Had a good game of golf Thanks dave!! omg i think jakes changed his phone number and not told any one :/ WOTS UP WITH THAT LOL
Just had a cool game of baseball with the family team dan nil pwah, team jes 123456789765 :| + 1 LB hahahah
Sundays are pretty darn cool, lunch in a bit the golf with hadley and then Jedi meeting awesome stuff !
Here I am shopping for bras :/ lol need to call jake later and need to work on new album and Jedi site peace out x
Wishing Alex Watts A happy birthday for the other day sorry i missed it dude! Jedi church will surprise you all, May the force be with you
Yo peeps having fun with the Jedi site it rocks will be online soon, yo every go to my site
Allot of excitng stuff going on in the world of Jediism you'll see how is ever one! X
Any one want hampster and cage for free ?
Yo in work on lunch working on the Jedi site wooop go me !!! im a Nerd lol x
Yo dudes omg Jedi site looking amazing will be up this month some time :P xx Eeep how are you all
Hey yall got up dead early was up all night web building never mind! Yay... Work.... :|
Wow it's actually becoming a nice day after all :) , ooo it's hot and I'm so hungry mmm FOOD
OMG so tired watched the hills all night, got lines from that play stuck in my head again. Off to get some oj and bacon :)
Wow had such a cool week the tea and cakes ruled haha got my blackberry today Jedi church number hehe new site up soon I will be posting x
Off to a Work Do, hope i get drunk LOL, May the force be with you
Off to a Work Do, hope i get drunk LOL, May the force be with you
Seen an awesome play last night with my brother in it, It was called Noises off, Oo got new Etnies today !!!!!
Jus having mc d's then....... It's primark time:P
Hey every one thanks allot again for the messages and birthday stuff :) mm i think a sausage roll is in need.
Wow my presents fooking rock! Thanks everyone oo I got a duck stardust! :D x
It's my birthday! Hehe mad 23 already jeeez :) hell every one thanks for the birthday msgs
Hey everyone thanks for the messages every one this birthday is going good so far, Ginger cat meeting under mu car every night!
Omfg in collettes house she has westlife live on WTF! So gay ooo new Jedi site meetng today looking fine!
ooo exciting my birthday next week, lol and new Jedi site up in a few days !!!, Need to decorate my room any day now and PS s.Darko is Poo!
JUst bought the new Barney Jones Single on iTunes Untouchable BUY NOW ;) xx
OMG shocking me singing YMCA
HEy every one sorry i haven't been posting for a few days! oooo new Dr who soon, & New Jedi Church site up in a few days. Hit me up yo!
HEy every one sorry i haven't been posting for a few days! oooo new Dr who soon, & New Jedi Church site up in a few days. Hit me up yo!
In gleesons singing the ramones lol thanks mike pc wiz! Dnd level2 ;)
I have my own site now so if any one is interested lol visit . Please note its still under construction
Well All, had a good weekend :) hehe, more gigs Xms3 this summer check us out yo! new EP out soon to. Ps May the force be with you all
If u wonna earn a tenet cometo memorial hall amlwch hehe if ahoy
Xms3 gig Amlwch Memorial hall this friday 11 -18 year olds £3 7pm !!! BE THERE ;)
Morning every one made some websites last night pretty cool and had pepsi raw! Darn to hot work is to hot!
WOW what a hot day darn! Oo Pepsi raw is col but unusual !!
WOW what a hot day darn! Oo Pepsi raw is col but unusual !!
Nervous for the gig on Friday!, but should be good NEW SONGS PPL!
Xms3 gig this Friday 3rd of July memorial hall Amlwch £3 enrty 7-10.30pm :) see u all there;)
Just bought a MacBook :D
more arguing in my street :/ its another summers night in the street.
Why is it that the wierdest ppl hang out at doctors sergeries, damn!
Listening to summer time blues and Reading watchmen mm it's so fooking hot
So I got kinda crazy idea who is crazy likes karaokie ans live in iether France Germany or USA message me
Hello every one, humn, iPhone software 3.0 is amazing, I'm thinking about buying apple TV any body have it ??
Wow! Just upgraded to 3.0 iPhone firm wear it's amazing! Xxx rock on apple!
Ooo shopping for boxers n socks I'm so hard core to the shoes
Howdy every one ooo it's the weekend can't wait to to nothing I need to see the star trek episode Amok Time any. 1 have it?
Well world, Cant wait to do the gigs with Xms3 this summer, Jediism Books on sale hard copy soon, love you all DanXms3
Well i made a Get well soon card today, totaly rocked! work was stressfull :/ but cool. Can't wait to finish the rest of the Jediism Books.
Laying in bed ready to get up fir work, just had email bout a USA musc mag doing an article on our tour film :)
Off to bed now world. I think that its a healthy thing having a Cyber Pet :) keeps you on your toes ;)
Yes i do think that the new look deal on boxers 3 for 10er is a must have robot undies here i come ;)
NO Seriously Tamagotchi rule i mean WAHHHH, Ps jake smells
Wow what a night had a free ticket to a show cz they used my choper and I ended up playing tabarine in the band! :)
Morning!, ooo i love summer, bit cold today though. Don't you just love Tamagotchi's ?? ROCK ON TECH WORLD
SEX!!!!! Hello every one I have a blog site if you would like to read please go to

Jedi Band

Jedi: Was amazing getting a DVD from Scottish screen with our film we made it was like OH MY all that hard work on one little disk and way i say what an amazing piece of film it is! kudos to the homies Richard and Sarah. Xms3: New music video out for Fi-Hi Entry on youtube but you can see it at under the bands on the menu. VERY COOL!. New EP out this summer me and jake have been hard core writtings songs wooop!! such an wesome thing to do plus new dates and stuff to be updated as they are confirmed. Love you all and have fun remember May The Force Be With You Always. Dan Xms3
Another Exciting day in the Danxms3 Life, got the DVD film from BBC / Scottish screen looks amazing cant wait to see it in festivals!
Omg it's so hot in this price I wish I owned my own company so I could slep or something haha x
Bangor with mike frm work he is getting a passport form from the post office it's abserlutly chckng it down damn I didn't bring a coat to work iether :/
Hey every one a new music video has been made for xms3 fi-hi entry song head over to and check it out yo! It's from the USA tour we did x
Good song writing with jake ! New so out summer! Hello japan any one want to give us a gig in Sheffield message me or head over to :) xxxx
Morning world humn summer rules but where isthe damn sun!
DUUUDES Bowling For Soup Are really good!!!, mmmm Sunday roast :P
His name was Robert Paulson, ;) what's that off?
So I figure the world should know that every night with out fail 3 Ginger cats congregate under / infront of my car :/ wtf I am so strange
BEST CHEESE QUOTE EVER, Star Trek - First Contact, Commander Warf: "Assimmilate This!" LMFAO HAHAHA
Watching star trek first contact, its pretty good :).
Dudes I'm on the Crapper Reading the watchmen grqphic novel and listening to rain falling out side, this is a cool Saturday :P
Wow the rain sux sometimes but there is something like mysterious about rainy days uh! like Halloween. Who's with me on this one ?
WOW remember when hellogoodbye where actually good creepy stuff man :P OO MIDTOWN where an amazing band!
Good Morning World, mmm Saturday no work! but its rainy :( darn looks like my car wash is off :( WUSS UP!
Summer rocks! Xms3 shows in july will post all the dates when confirmed :), wooop ;)
New Scientist rules, every one should get it PS omfg my tooth broke today :( x
It's funy how awfull some ppl are the world needs a change and it will get it in a revelotion of misinformation and murder, may the force be with us all.
So yeah, Xms3 tour date for the summer tour is so far July 3rd - Memorial Hall Amlwch, keep looking for more
I have a website now :P any one interested in following my weird stupid but strange life