
Showing posts from August, 2009
I don't think Jaco was a Pedofile, but was an individual. Im looking for a new motor :/
That Guy from rajas holyhead FAIL at driving outside Bar 2
Wow check out my pix from my holiday to the amazon
I'm in a castle :P
Xms3 have new songs woop new Jedi site up in about a week yo to my friends I love you all but Im busy at the moment xx
Yo got 12mm plugs check this out ;) night world
Had jimmy eat worl in my head all day got antibiotics for my toe:/ gota wait to see a surgeion. Damn it the V-dubs ok tho :)
Just been playing some major league baseball on the yee olde sexBox, Wooop!
Having lunch wth holmes n barney damn my toe is klling me!
Realy nice day had noodles for lunch work is going cool and staying at my girls house to night :) x how's every one?
Yo haven't posted in a while I'm at a family gathering with my girl friend it's pretty fun I maybe setting up a company if u need a site hit me up!
In work doing some work on the site :) big hey to my Holmes :DXX. Word up to every one who reads this bad boy p.s google Empire Of The City
Morning every one how do, any one think of time travel a all and if so what are your thoughts :P
Vote my fail pic
Omg I think I'm obsessed with the hills! Such a good show! Who's with me on this one?
Rented out the yes man on iTunes gonna snuggle up with my sweetie n have a laugh, ate to much pizza :|
Had a good game of golf Thanks dave!! omg i think jakes changed his phone number and not told any one :/ WOTS UP WITH THAT LOL
Just had a cool game of baseball with the family team dan nil pwah, team jes 123456789765 :| + 1 LB hahahah
Sundays are pretty darn cool, lunch in a bit the golf with hadley and then Jedi meeting awesome stuff !
Here I am shopping for bras :/ lol need to call jake later and need to work on new album and Jedi site peace out x
Wishing Alex Watts A happy birthday for the other day sorry i missed it dude! Jedi church will surprise you all, May the force be with you