
Showing posts from September, 2010
Can't belive my harry potter books didnt sell on eBay!!
GIG come see my band the Only orchestral power punk band ! Oct 8th Jumping Jacks Holyhead lands end !!!! Woooo!!
Awesome gig last night boys! Mm Sunday dinner. ! Bit of Scott pilgrim later ;)
Lush me n the boys as gangsters ;)
Party tonight! I'm nearing the half way marker on Scott lilgrim volume 5 :( getting close to 6 :( don't want it to end ! They beta make more!
Wow Bangor is so busy today I need water!!!! Omg I'm obsessed with maximum the hormone at the moment !! Woop
Omg I'm on book 5 of 6 Scott pilgrim :( what will i do when the books end :(
This song is amazing
Omg I love this Japanese hardcore pop punk!
Any one use omg facts app and realise it's daily apps are never daily!?!?!?
Booom! pop corn is lush, lol <3 nomi :D xxx
Mine and nomis attempt at a college to cover up wires!!!
Lush! Any one wonna buy some Harry potter books check out my eBay danxms3
Omg can't believe I'm half way through the 3rd scot pilgrim comic :( only 3 left of this series any one got any good comics yo suggest after these?
Lush! Just had an awesome casserole, time to box my eBay stuff and settle with some Scott pilgrim :D
Omg scott pilgrims getting well good like!!!!! New boxer = win weather in Holyhead = fail
Lush love this face Nomi!!
Oh my fucking god you guys!!!! All my Scott Pilgrim Comics came today!!!!!! And nomis over and it's the weekend and burger kind!! Happy dan!!!!! Fuck yeah
off to bed
off to bed !!!!
omg best buy of the month American Pie 1 sound track £00.39p off amazon !!! the songs rule on it!!!!! woooop ps some one buy me the 5 scott pilgrim comics i need ;)
Ahhh I need to read the rest of the Scott pilgrim comics!!!!!!!
Any body know what the fucks wrong with Emo Philipps ??
Omg the invention of lying is such a fantastic film. Ooo straight jacket legends video and ep coming soon, watch out japan!!!
Omg just finished Scott pilgrim vs the world vol.1 it was amazing!!!
Omfg Peggy Mitchell is dead!!! WTF damn u BBC!!!!!!!
Ahh every one look at this pic!!
Mm sunshine at last!, got y Scott pilgrim comic this morning woooop, epic !!!! What's every one up to?
Weekend!! Any one seen Juno? Was ok but a bit of a chick flick. Oooo real life super hero project. Mmmm pizza tonight. Band practice was cool last night !! Rocking guys
This guy fucking rocks!!
Can any one speak polish? I need some documents translating !!! Msg me
Lush just sang in german lol
What a fucking epic walk lol now gig time!!! Well in a few hours :)
Walking the breakwater!!!!!
Lol yellow lines fail!!*******
Playing a gig tonight in the piranha lounge Holyhead 7.45!!! Every one come down!!!!