
Showing posts from March, 2011
Cool gonna tidy room work on my book then shower :) every ones cumming on milhouse
Beach walk with nomi n randy!! Book writing today !!
Mmm just had awesome dinner thanks nomi!!! Yay baseball season this month!! Omg getting my MLB season ticket this week,
Lush new sox!! :)
Humn I need more jeans and SOX!! :/ grrrr where to look :/
Morning world, did any one listen to BBC radio4 this morning? Ah what an awesome day :)
BBC interview done :)
Fed dog walked and chill before practice :)
Y'all check out my new ride :) automatic style!!
Question time: any one heard the term Schoolies?? If so what is it from? :D get ur brains Working
17 again is a good film! Any one seen American teen? Found it in pound land looks "ok", lulz had a crazy dream about Scientology last night!
Lost iPad charger! Grr!! Oo new iPod nano touch rules! Car back! Working lush auto style ;) so who's going to Mardi Gras?????? Indi arena ;)
Congrats to craig n tash on their new daughter! Rooms getting back to norm! Job is cool and iPod nano touch=amazing waiting for watch strap!
Lush last nights pudding
:) out for dinner thanks Naomi!! Xxx :)
Epic pic !! Gota love hh humour
Idea spinning with Naomi to raise money for japan via the church of Jediism :) any one interested in helping an event DM me japan
Ahh to early !!! Damn couldn't sleep last night !! New job today :p
Lush pancakes !! Thanks tash and nomi :) x
So it's me again just need a favor please can you vote for my band at this site :)
Microblog time: so yeah new job tomorrow, and new car next week, the new dr who sucks and need more twinkies!!! 3 cheers for MLB 31/3/11!!!!
Off to bed world. Before I go iPad 2 out soon v.excited about it also google self drive cars are scary stuff! Church if Jediism WTF mtfbyw
Please vote for my band and fairys will bring yu pizza
It's census time Ppl!! Please please help and and put Jedi down as your religion
Please can every one vote for my band by going here: thanks :)
So I'm gonna start hard core blogging any one thunk its good idea?
Yay got a Job! Everythings coming up milhouse
I'm doing an interview for Jack E Jet to ight in Dallas tx if you can tune into his show check it out 11.15 tonight!!
Awesome xbox back and fixed with 1 month free gold membership aswell:) everythings coming up milhouse !