
Showing posts from July, 2011
Cool studio again!
urch, too early! Going to studio now !
Omg sitting out side this weather is amazing
iPad makes me App-y lol
Amy winehouse dead! :(
Amy winehouse is dead !!?!?!?? :/ WTF
Any bands wonna gig swap? ;)
Amazing I have a "bromance" tee! Thanks Nik and Adam!!
Sorting out tattoo sleeve backfill!! Awesome. Mm weather rule!! Sunny ad I have my dickies on!!
Dang it im hooked on order & chaos for the iPad!, has any one seen the app directory for iPad 2?? I want to know if it has iPad 1st Gen apps
Aw yeah chicken casarol :) mmmm!
looking for a creative photographer for band styling photo shoot if you are interested please contact me!! :)
Something corporate are really good!! something corporate
Ah hay fever sux!, gotta create some live mp3s from our festival set, and have 2 sites to build.
Wow this is the worlds biggest banana
Awesome gonna look for some new ink
Life In The Force Lane - Episode 1
awesome, just finished the video episode, will be online within the hour :P haha lululursh
so here i am editing video for my online video tv blog :P hehe
urch don't you just hate it when you re-load your twitter page and then you have unread tweets and its all dirty!, :P
Child hood memories present goes to tash and Craig !
Most willies on one card goes to Jake and katie
Most nationalist present goes to Fiona parry!
Nerdies present goes to Nathan nathy
:( have the saved by the bell theme song stuck in my head,
Any one els on twitter following the Scott Pilgrim robot, also I seen Scott pilgrim action figures woop! FTW
So I totally need to finish Alan Wake, hmm.... Also Got a star trek graphic novel off my bro for my birthday!
Hay fever is the official most stupid thing ever! Ps I really don't like it!
Urch rain sux! So like I'm gonna hard core edit my video diary of the last 4 weeks for a video blog :p hehe
Well I'm up what a cool morning filming the zombie thing!! Woop lol Lee !!
All done
Awesome waiting for the go!
Zombie time bitches!
Gig done time to sleep before being a zombie!
So who's at bay stock this evening!??straight jacket legends are on at 6pm!
Thanks to Tash & Craig I now ave more zippy memorabilia than the cast of rainbow.
Best innovative present of the night goes to Fiona Parry
Awesome birthday party food thanks sue!!
Awesome just sorting out party stuff! Hope it goes ok :p
So like I'm not 100% on Blink 182 s new song :/ humn....
Lush check out my birthday cake/s
Its my birthday! happy birthday to me!
My calf hurts after the pool :( hum chicken n rice for dinner oh ye!!
Lol lush, gonna dip in the pool! Hope it's warm!!
Awesome day legally blond the musical was pretty good chwara teg, except the miserable C***S in front of us ;)
Legally blonde the musical here I am :s
Wow china town sux
Having subway in Liverpool!! Wooop
Going to see legally blonde the musical :/ lulz
Awesome I have google plus :p
its to hot! episode 3 of TB season 4 downloading now, and im gonna work on the band site :)
Busy week: legally blonde the musical, my birthday party, giging at baystock, being a zombie in "zombies from ireland. Lulz what a life
..... What exactly are the bin men saying, it just sounds like random shouting !?!
Big thanks to all who enjoyed Surfin' Bird at the gleesons
Lush getting s bit of tanning and cooking some potato crockets , chicken and gravy :p woop
So like the Americans rated snickers the best candy bar, wonder what the Uk one is ??
Girls suck to go shopping with
So like did blue mountain state have any other seasons or was it just the one??
Baby clothes shopping sux anus
eBay is my like fav shop! Like budget everything woop! When I buy a house it's gonna be eBay tacstic
Oh yeah True blood ep 3 season 4 tomorrow woop!!
Well gonna clean my carbon a bit wooop, wonna seethe green lantern again it rocked!! Still unsure of the Ryan Reynolds marvel/dc crossover
Lol Horney, fat, black & Joe hahahahahhahhhsa
Omg anyone getting problems with the new facebook app? It's like buged to Hugh hell
Damn I keep waking up with a cold! I don't even have air con in my room !!! WTF!?!!
Just had an awesome pizza and watched improvisation my dear mark wattson
Itv program clip fail
Cyclops in subway well just got arsey bc I made a joke about the 5p bags :p
Omg river island sale like now :p
Winston the ghost buster needs more love
All time low new album is pretty good, bad enough is way the best alltimelow
Best fail ever
Cool nice day and feelin' good :p can't wait to get in the studio for our new stuff!!!
Ah man loads of work stock in my room lol :)
Oo a bit of loose women on lunch :)
... Like hastily toe my car n junk to the garage and I had no brakes or power steering :s BS!!
Lush my car just broke :( happy birthday me :p
Awesome, I gave a pink iPod mini :)
lols i have an awesome raw code editor!! just been coding up a web page :P get in!
Awesome episode 2 season 4 woop!
awesome finally sorted out my iPhone emails and i can send emails from all my accounts now :P wooop! everything's coming up Milhouse
I'm awesomely watching episode 1 of true blood season 4 :p BOOM!
Awesome my bass gig bag came and it's awesome!!!! A+ feedback for someone on eBay :p
Awesome diagnosis murder is on in the cafe!! Today is a good day mr slone :)
Just watched hell boy!! Was awesome!!
True blood season 3 almost over!!
Ooo may do surfin later if it's any good!
Lush shopping for food for work then BBQ and a bit of true blood!
Need to find a pinch bowl for that party :/ any ideas ??
Waking up with a cold sux woop party in 2 weeks and then I'm gonna be a zombie in that film !! Get in!
Awesome I'm up! Time to post invites!! Woop
I have the ability to morph into Daniel Craig
Chicken teriyaki is like my new favourite thing who's with me?
Awesome noodle time :)
Dog poo sign win :) gosh I love Holyhead