
Showing posts from October, 2011
Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. MLK occupywallstreet
F*** the bankers and greedy poloticians occupywallstreet REVOLUTION
Happy Halloween every one !!
Why is the most famous angry bird the red one, when it's useless in the game :/ occupywallstreet #OWS
any one selling a fridge real cheap or want to buy one for me ?
Chilling = awesome
Any one want to see sonic boom six for £8 at central station Wrexham?? X
Ok so no twinkies for breakfast today but I do have one left and I had coolade last night :p
Yo Facebook your new app sux, got my coolade my Twinkies a baby Ruth and even some nerds Gotta love Chester
Awesome just had Twinkie!!!!!
Long live the spirit of Steve Jobs, you have made me a happy tech user for many years!! :)
still rocking the new blink album! Straight Jacket debut video out soon !!!! :P