7 MOST Common Aspergers Syndrome Symptoms (TRAITS) Want to know if you have Aspergers? These are 7 of the most common Aspergers symptoms. Do I have Aspergers? This is a question I see all the time on my comments, where people want to know if they have Aspergers Syndrome and if they are displaying Aspergers Symptoms. Lots of people message me asking how to know if I have autism, because I show this autism trait or they have read an Aspergers checklist and seen famous people with Aspergers that they can relate to. To help any one in this situation and the question am I autistic I have laid out 7 of the most common Aspergers characteristics so that you can see if you relate to these. ASPERGERS TEST [CLICK HERE] There is an Asperger test which you can watch my video on it here kind of like an am I autistic quiz, for people searching for high functioning Aspergers test. I hope this video helped you and please share if you think it can help someone els...