Pakistani Floods Relief

The Church of Jediism and the Pakistani Floods

The Church of Jediism are working in co-operation with charities such as Oxfam to provide funds and volunteers to help victims of the recent floods in Pakistan. Although the disaster itself occured in August, a lot of people were affected and are still living in poor, unclean, unhealthy environments caused by the floods. As this BBC News article suggests [Pakistan's Forgotten Flood Victims: Three Months On], many are still suffering and struggling to survive in the aftermath of the floods.

We're looking for people, Jedi or not, to volunteer and to donate to help these people out in Pakistan. This suffering cannot continue - please donate however much you can afford, whether that be £1 or £100, or alternatively donate your time by offering to volunteer HERE. There are both UK-based and overseas opportunities available so please indicate which you would prefer to do in your application form.


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