How To Deal With PANIC ATTACKS for AUTISM (What YOU NEED To Know!)

How To Deal With PANIC ATTACKS for AUTISM (What YOU NEED To Know!)

Here are some simple 💡 ways that you can help deal with panic attacks for people on the autism spectrum fast⚡️.

1. Remove Yourself From The Situation IMMEDIATELY 
One of the biggest things is staying in the situation that creates the panic attack🔇. Always remove yourself immediately from the situation that is creating the panic in the first place👍🏼.

2. Try Controlled Breathing in 5 hold 5 out 
This is an old Buddhist technique and is a type of yoga breathing you breathe 🌬 in for five seconds you hold your breath for five seconds and then you breathe out for five seconds. This helps put oxygen 🌪 in the right places in your body and helps to calm down almost immediately 🙂 this is a top tip for wanting to come down and release any that panic straightaway.

3. Drink Water (stops headache from dehydration) 💧
This one may sound weird or odd or even just too simple to be true. When you have a panic attack you start dehydrating 🧊 and the dehydration can cause headaches and that headache 🗣 then cause more stress 🧠 and more stress can cause more anxiety and more anxiety can cause another panic attack⚡️, so drink water and you eliminate this cycle.

4. After Calming Down Engage With Something Relaxing And Fun 
This is one of my favourite things to do when you have a panic attack ⚡️ after you come down and get yourself together little bit more immediately❗️ emerge your self in something engaging that is relaxing and fun. This could be playing a video game 🎮 it could be seeing a friend or watching a TV 📺 show it helps so much.

This is simply a list of how to deal with panic attacks ⚡️ from me and my personal experience because I know how to handle panic attacks because I’ve been in this situation is a lot 👍🏼.

It’s difficult to know how to deal with anxiety 🌪 it’s difficult to know how to deal with panic attacks and anxiety so the steps 👣 will help you overcome The stress that comes with a panic attack and also the panic attack itself with anxiety techniques related to panic attacks 🧠.

That are simple techniques to overcome anxiety and panic and it all starts with a guide to knowing what to do in that situation so please enjoy these tips and techniques that I shared with you today.

If you have any to add please put in a comment below. 


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