Autism Medication - Will Herbal Remedies Work For You? (MY TOP 3)

Here is everything I know about autism medication and if any work at all. Autism medication is a bit of a grey area but i have tried some herbal remedies to help with certain things in my life that worked. I am on medication for my ADHD and anger management but this is not specific to autism as there is no drug that works directly for autism. I have listed 3 of the best herbal natural remedies I have tried to help copy with traits of autism and i hope you enjoy them. 1.CBD I have spoken about CBD a lot and in lots of places in the world it is legal but in some areas it is still illegal so be careful. CBD is a food supplement derived from marijuana and can help with anxiety and low mood. Would recommend YUMI: UK → USA → 2.5 HTP 5 HTP is a sleep remedy which is more nocturnal than taking melatonin. This will help with sleeplessness as lots of autistic people have trouble sleeping. The 5 HTP works really well for helping you sleep, but take it for a week before seeing the difference. Would recommend YUMI: UK → USA → 3.Multivitamins I take a bunch of multivitamins to help boost my mood and keep my body healthy with nutrients and minerals. Autistic people are known for having poor diets due to sensory issues. If this is the case multivitamins are a good way to get nutrition into your body. Would recommend Simple Spectrum Supplements: Please leave a comment if you have anything to add. Also follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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