Signs of Aspergers: 7 Common Symptoms (YOU NEED to know)

Signs of Aspergers: 7 Common Symptoms (YOU NEED to know) 

These signs of Aspergers Syndrome will help you identify autism in someone FAST:

1. Stimming. 

This is a self stimulatory behaviour behaviour that is presented like patterns of flapping hands, rocking back and forth or even humming a certain tone. Lot’s of people with Aspergers now use fidget spinners to stim.

2. Strict Routine. 

People with Aspergers syndrome, stick to a very ridged daily routine, and they love to stick to routines. This can be anything from how the get dressed in the morning, to how they watch TV. Routines are a very prominent sign. Also people with Aspergers do not like to devote from their routines. 

3. Repetitive Eating (small food selection). 

Eating the same foods day in day out is a very common sign of Aspergers. Having a very small selection of foods that they enjoy is very common. 

4. Echolalia. 

Repeating words from overs, or from TV or from movies is a form of what is called echolalia. This is very common sign of Aspergers, and also individuals with Aspergers tend to repeat their own sentences under their breath after they say their sentence 

5. Issues With Socialising.

Socialising is very difficult for people with Aspergers as the unspoken rules of social communication which are intuitive to people typical is not that obvious to someone with Aspergers. Poor social skills is a sign of Aspergers. 

6. Sensory Sensitivity. 

Hyper or Hypo sensitivity to sensory input is a huge sign of Aspergers syndrome. This can range from being overly sensitive to things like sound, smell, lights and touch. To being under sensitive to these stimuli also. 

7. Not Getting Jokes. 

Taking things literally is a massive sign of Aspergers this makes it difficult for a person with Aspergers to identify when someone is telling a joke or being sarcastic. This is a very common sign of Aspergers. 

Signs of Aspergers in adults can present itself in more than one way. In fact when you are wanting to know what are the characteristics of Aspergers and what are the signs of autism, there are a huge host of these types of sings and traits.

i have tried to show some Aspergers symptoms of the most common ones associated with Aspergers syndrome so that you can maybe answer the questions like how do i know if i have autism or what are some common Aspergers traits.

Is there a difference in sings of Aspergers in toddlers compared to that of Aspergers in adults? There is not a massive difference but there are some notable changes as an adult with Aspergers will have created work arounds to some issues that autism presents in their life.

These common signs of Aspergers syndrome will help you identify all the main symptoms and traits so you can really identify if a person (or yourself) have an autism spectrum condition.


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