5 Hacks To SURVIVE A Pumpkin Patch With AUTISM (Halloween)

5 Hacks To SURVIVE A Pumpkin Patch πŸŽƒ With AUTISM (Halloween) πŸ‘»

This is how YOU can have a successful time and how to survive a pumpkin patch πŸŽƒ with an autistic person 🧩.

Halloween can be a stressful time for anyone on the spectrum 😫 and this includes family members of people on the autism spectrum.

Some people really enjoy this holiday season πŸ’€πŸ‘» but also some people on the spectrum find it overwhelming and upsetting.

One of the biggest outings around halloween is the pumpkin patch πŸŽƒ trip to get your family pumpkins for the house.

Pumpkin patches can be crazy places, busy with families πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§‍πŸ‘¦and loud noises 🎧 from farming equipment and animals living on the land.

I have created 5 simple hacks to make sure this trip to the pumpkin patch is not triggering ✅ for the autistic individual within the family, and help everyone have a good time. 

I hope these help you 😁 and this year you have a more fun and relaxing pumpkin patch visit.

1. Planning Ahead πŸ“:
Planning ahead of any trip, journey πŸšƒor outing will be the best thing you do. Days out with the family πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§‍πŸ‘¦ can be challenging but if you make a plan of what you are going to do and what you expect to do, you will be at ease with the trip✅.

2. Prepare Lunch & Snacks πŸ•:
A big game changer is the preparation of food for lunch πŸ₯—πŸŒ― and snacks. If you are stuck somewhere or in traffic πŸš— and you can’t get to a food outletπŸͺ, stress and anxiety can rise. If you prep the food you will be able to solve this issue πŸ‘¦πŸ». 

3. Be Aware Of Surroundings 🏞:  
In lots of pumpkin patches πŸŽƒ there will be lots of people and potentially lots of noise ‼️. This can be from faming equipment 🚜 and or farm animalsπŸ“. Knowing and preparing for this will help an autistic person understand what to expect.

4. Bring A Change Of Clothes πŸ‘•πŸ‘–:
At most events for pumpkin patches πŸŽƒ and halloween events in general there may be rides and fun activities for people to use 🎠. That being said it is beneficial to bring a change of clothesπŸ‘”πŸ§’, especially if the person on the spectrum only likes certain clothing, and you can potentially get your clothes dirty 🧼.

5. Have Fun 😁:

Remember to have fun! This is what it is all about, after getting everything above into practice, 😬 just use the time to have fun and enjoy the event, or day out.


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