
Understanding Autism: Online Autism Test Introduction

Hey everyone! In today’s post, we’re diving into an online Autism test available on my website. This test can help you determine if you might need a formal autism assessment or if certain behaviors you’re experiencing are just unique quirks. Let’s get right into it! Welcome Back to The Aspie World Hey guys, welcome back to The Aspie World! My name is Dan, and I have autism, ADHD, OCD, and dyslexia. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a test on my website. Yes, that’s my face up there! This questionnaire is designed to help you understand where you or your loved one might fall on the autism spectrum. While it’s not a definitive diagnosis, it’s a useful tool to consider before seeking a professional assessment. Before We Begin: Mental Health Resources Before we jump into the test, I want to mention that if you’re struggling with mental health issues, BetterHelp offers fantastic online therapy services. You can communicate with a therapist via phone, text, or vide

This Is Why Girls With Autism Are ALWAYS Forgotten

Why are girls with autism always forgotten about? Here is why! There is an odd occurrence that happens in regards to autism in girls. Autism is three times more likely to be diagnosed in meals and is females, this is a statistic that almost highlights that is Miss three times more common in males and is females. But this is just not the case autism in females is probably just as common but all of the diagnostic criteria is set up and was set up and founded on research based on males with the condition. Also autism diagnosis in females may be the last thing that a doctor will actually pursue when investigating behavioural traits in a female, usually they will go for personality disorders or generalised anxiety. Here are three reasons why females are probably forgotten about on the autism spectrum. 1.Old Data Most if not all of the data that was created on the research of autism to create the diagnostic criteria was based upon research of meals with autism spec

This Is Why YOU Miss These 5 Sings Of Aspergers (INTRIGUING)

Here are some reasons you miss signs of Aspergers in people. There are many signs of Asperger’s syndrome and there are some more undercover signs that are not as easy to spot. If someone isn’t showing the common signs of a spurges syndrome they may display some of them or uncommon ones. These uncommon signs of Asperger’s syndrome may be missed by people just due to the lack of knowing about these. Here now five that you can understand to look out for. 1.Eye Tracking: Following an object with the corner of their eye, like a line of a wall while walking. 2.Bad Anger Managment: Exploitive expressions of emotions in anger outbursts. 3.Giving Unrelated Answers To Questions When asking questions a person on the autism spectrum may reply with something totally unrelated. 4.Repeating Words Or Phrases Under their Breath Saying something then repeating that same sentence under their breath. 5. Unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell or ta

What Is Aspergers? 5 known Facts YOU Need To Know

Want to know what Aspergers is? I’m discussing all that and more right now. Aspergers is a neurological developmental autism spectrum disorder / condition. It is part of he autism spectrum disorder and has had an interesting history. Here are 5 key elements and facts that you can find super interesting about Asperger’s Syndrome. 1.Neurological Disorder Asperger’s syndrome is a neurological developmental disorder which is present in people who are diagnosed on the autism spectrum. The diagnosis was typically given in people who were on the autism spectrum without a high need of support. 2.Autism Spectrum Disorder Aspergers Syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder meaning it is part of the autism neurological condition that is known and is diagnosed in one in 100 people in the UK and one in 60 people in United States of America. 3.Behaviour Traits Asperger’s is characterised by behavioural traits any person, these include lack of eye contact obsessive focus o


Here are 5 of the best apps for dyslexia! Also included links to each one! 1.Speech To Text Native Using the native apps in your phone or tablet, like notes in iPhones will allow you to Highlight words and get the phone to speak. You can also use the dictation function to have the iPhone write the words you are dictating to it. 2.Crazy Cursive This awesome little app, is perfect for kids to learn how to form words in a cursive font. You can choose from words or letters to copy. 3.Writing Wizard This is a good app to help you with writing words out without cursive text. It is a fun and very interactive way of learning the sounds and shapes of the letters. 4.Simplex This is a spelling app, to help you learn how to spell words but also gives an in depth look at how the word is used in context. 5.Me Books Me books is reading app that has book pre-sets in for kids which include common characters from popular genders. The app helps read books with and

5 Common ASPERGERS Behaviour Traits YOU Mistake

These are 5 of the most common aspergers behaviour traits that you mistake every day! Asperger’s syndrome can impact people in ways that may be difficult to notice that are aligned with autism. 1.Clumsiness & Poor Motor Coordination Autism can presently a lot of poor coordination skills and cause clumsiness in people on the autism spectrum. 2.Issues With Social Functioning Autistic people will have issues with social functions like socialising and social functioning. 3.Expansive Language In Subject Areas People diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome usually have a very expansive language in a specific subject area of Thier interest. 4.Above Average IQ Studies have shown that people diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome show to have an above average intelligence in 80% of cases studied. 5.Favouring Alone Time People on the autism spectrum will favour being alone than socialising in social groups or gatherings. Please leave a comment if you have a

5 FACTS about AUTISM YOU Have To See!

Here are 5 super interesting facts about autism you need to see! I love learning and knowing about the history and the development of autism research . I have collected a few of the interesting facts about autism and I am sure you are going to enjoy them. 1.History Autism was first studies in the 1940s 2.Name Change It was originally called early infertile autism, from the research done by Leo Kanner in the early stages. 3.More Common In Males? Autism is currently 3 times more likely to be diagnosed in males than females. There is a lot of skepticism around this due to the difference male top female traits 4.Diagnosis On The Rise There is a large increase in the amount of people diagnosed now, these could be factors down to a rise in understanding and a development in the diagnosis approach. 5.No Known Cause There is currently no known cause of autism, the only understanding of it is that it is genetic. Please leave a comment if you have