
Showing posts from February, 2024

How Autism Communication Impacts Confidence

Introduction: Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, shaping relationships, and influencing self-perception. For individuals on the autism spectrum, navigating communication can present unique challenges that extend beyond mere verbal exchange. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects how a person perceives and processes information, including communication cues, which in turn can profoundly impact their confidence levels. In this exploration, we delve into the intricate relationship between autism communication and confidence, shedding light on the barriers individuals may encounter and the strategies that can empower them to navigate the social landscape with greater assurance.   Understanding Autism Communication: Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by differences in social interaction, communication, and behavior. Communication challenges associated with autism can manifest in various forms, including difficulty with verbal...

Empowering Focus and Reducing Anxiety: My Journey with Brillia for Autism and ADHD

Living with autism and ADHD can present unique challenges, especially when it comes to anxiety and focus. In this article, I will share my personal experience with Brillia, a non-prescription homeopathic medication that has made a profound difference in managing my anxiety and improving my focus. Join me as I explore the reasons why I choose Brillia and why I wholeheartedly recommend it as a valuable tool for individuals with autism and ADHD. Understanding Brillia: A Homeopathic Approach: Brillia is a homeopathic medication formulated for individuals who are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, irritability, hyperactivity, lack of focus and mood issues. These include people diagnosed with autism and ADHD, as well as ADD, PTSD, OCD, ODD or just anxiety. Unlike traditional pharmaceutical interventions, Brillia takes a holistic and natural approach to address anxiety and focus challenges. It harnesses the power of targeted ingredients to support the body's innate healing mech...

How to Build Confidence for Autistic Individuals

Autistic people often struggle with confidence, but it is a skill that can be learned and developed. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of confidence and how it can positively impact various aspects of life. The Significance of Confidence Confidence is a powerful trait that has the ability to transform and enhance various aspects of our lives. From our social interactions to our professional endeavors, confidence plays a crucial role in shaping our experiences and outcomes. When we exude confidence, we become more appealing to others and create an atmosphere of ease and positivity. Enhancing Social Appeal Confidence is a key ingredient in enhancing our social appeal. When we are confident, we radiate positivity and charisma, which makes us more approachable and likable. People are naturally drawn to confident individuals as they exude a sense of self-assurance and are able to navigate social situations with ease. With confidence, we are more likely to make ...

Best Autism Stimming Tips YOU Will Read This Year!

Autism stimming is something that is common in every autistic person, but are they getting the most out of it? WATCH MORE ON STIMMING 👉🏼 Autism STIMMING: everything YOU NEED to know (2018) Autism Stimming can happen for a multiple of reasons that are super intersteing. Stimming can occur if an autistic person is excited, you may see hand flapping or rocking back and forth. Other relationships with stimming include being nervous or anxious, these can cause the same types of autism stimming behaviour. As well as an autistic person may stim with a gadget or fidget toy to help them relax or concentration on thoughts and ideas. This is a particularly good thing when an autistic person needs to calm down. Here are some awesome tips for autism stimming. TIPS! 1 Secret Stimm When out in public if you feel the need to stim, take a fidget gadget or toy with you to have in your pocket, that you can stim with discreetly if you are wantin...

5 Anxiety Symptoms In Men YOU Should Spot!

Anxiety can hit anyone at any age at any time, but there are lots of men out there who will brush it off because admitting that they are feeling unwell can show a weakness. This is due to societal pressure of how a man should act and should respond. Here are 5 Anxiety Symptoms in Men YOU SHOULD Spot! 1. Racing Heart When adrenaline starts pumping round your body due to anxiety increases the heart rate and will start beating rapidly. 2. Excessive Sweating When adrenaline is moving around the body it also causes clamminess and you begin to sweat in a sort of cold sweat. 3. Muscle Tension Your muscles will start to get tighter and tense because of the fight or flight response system that your body is currently undergoing. 4. Restlessness or Agitation Due to the male dominance of testosterone agitation will be prominent when experiencing anxiety. 5. Dizziness and Vertigo This rush of adrenaline and the fight or flight response will also cause y...

5 Unique Autism Behaviour Symptoms (You Need To Know)

Here are 5 unique autism behaviour symptoms that you need to know! There are lots of information to digest around autism, and there are many autism behaviour traits that are notable within a person on the autism spectrum. I have listed 5 of the most unique ones below. 1.Not Understanding Jokes As autistic people take things literally as they are literal thinkers, understanding jokes and sarcasm can be super difficult for autistic individuals. 2.Stimming Stimming is a repetitive behaviour that is sometimes noticeable from hand flapping or putting hands in front of face and moving up and down rapidly. 3.Food Issues Having very particular eating habits and food sensitivity issues caused by sensory processing disorder. 4.Anxiety Anxiety is a huge part of an Autistc persons traits. Anxiety from social situations can also lead to meltdowns. 5.Anger Managment Issues Anger management is a huge issues for people on the autism spectrum, as we are not...

5 Common ASPERGERS Behaviour Traits YOU Mistake

These are 5 of the most common aspergers behaviour traits that you mistake every day! Asperger’s syndrome can impact people in ways that may be difficult to notice that are aligned with autism. 1.Clumsiness & Poor Motor Coordination Autism can presently a lot of poor coordination skills and cause clumsiness in people on the autism spectrum. 2.Issues With Social Functioning Autistic people will have issues with social functions like socialising and social functioning. 3.Expansive Language In Subject Areas People diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome usually have a very expansive language in a specific subject area of Thier interest. 4.Above Average IQ Studies have shown that people diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome show to have an above average intelligence in 80% of cases studied. 5.Favouring Alone Time People on the autism spectrum will favour being alone than socialising in social groups or gatherings. Please leave a comment if you have a...

Why An Autism Diagnosis Is ESSENTIAL For YOU (TOP 3 REASONS)

This is why you should get an autism diagnosis, and it can be essential for you!! Lots of people don’t want an autism diagnosis and i respect that’s, but for the people on the fence about it, there could be so much more benefit from having an official diagnosis of autism. I have listed 3 top reasons to seek an official diagnosis below. 1.Access Help An official autism diagnosis can allow you access to help that maybe available to you in your area like therapy and group sessions that otherwise would be restricted to official diagnosis patients. 2.Access Support Again having an official diagnosis of autism will allow you to access any areas of support form your local government or authorise. This could be medical, social or financial support for you. 3.Self Development A huge part of the diagnosis was a self accepting aspect, as lots of people who are in limbo with autism diagnosis never really accept themselves for who they are. An official diagnosis gives ...

Celebrating Autistic Culture: A Conversation with Dr. Angela Lauria

In this blog post, we explore the Autistic Culture podcast and its mission to celebrate autistic accomplishments and culture. We also delve into the insights shared by Dr. Angela Lauria, a co-host of the podcast and a late diagnosed autistic person herself. Dr. Angela Lauria: A Passion for Social Justice and Change Dr. Angela Lauria is a remarkable individual who has dedicated her life to promoting social justice and positive change. As a late diagnosed autistic person, Dr. Lauria has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities and the importance of creating a more inclusive society. With a PhD in Communications, Dr. Lauria has focused her academic pursuits on studying social justice and social change. Through her extensive research and personal experiences, she has gained unique insights into the power of communication in driving transformational societal shifts. Dr. Lauria's journey towards her current path began at a young age. Even as a child, sh...

Celebrating Autistic Culture: A Conversation with Dr. Angela Lauria

In this blog post, we explore the Autistic Culture podcast and its mission to celebrate autistic accomplishments and culture. We also delve into the insights shared by Dr. Angela Lauria, a co-host of the podcast and a late diagnosed autistic person herself. Dr. Angela Lauria: A Passion for Social Justice and Change Dr. Angela Lauria is a remarkable individual who has dedicated her life to promoting social justice and positive change. As a late diagnosed autistic person, Dr. Lauria has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities and the importance of creating a more inclusive society. With a PhD in Communications, Dr. Lauria has focused her academic pursuits on studying social justice and social change. Through her extensive research and personal experiences, she has gained unique insights into the power of communication in driving transformational societal shifts. Dr. Lauria's journey towards her current path began at a young age. Even as a child, sh...

Technology and Accessibility for Autistic Individuals

The speaker discusses the development of tools by Authentic with My Company to Tech to improve accessibility for autistic individuals. AI Explain and Reply Chrome Extension In today's digital age, technology has made vast strides in helping individuals with various challenges. One such innovation is the AI Explain and Reply Chrome Extension. This powerful tool has been specifically designed to assist individuals with autism in understanding phrases and providing suitable replies. Helping Individuals with Autism Communication can often be a daunting task for individuals on the autism spectrum. They may struggle in understanding the nuances of language and finding appropriate responses. This is where the AI Explain and Reply Chrome Extension comes to their aid. By simply installing this extension on their Chrome browser or accessing it via Telegram, individuals with autism gain access to a tool that can help them navigate through everyday conversations . The extension uses ar...

7 AMAZING Autism FACTS | (YOU Have To See!)

Here are 7 amazing autism facts you have to see!! There are number of autism facts that circulate around the Internet but I found some of the most interesting ones to show you today. Here are my best 7 autism facts, sit tight and enjoy these. 1 Autism Wasn’t Always Called That The condition autism was initially called Kenner’s Syndrome, and later early infantile autism, and then just autism. 2 Boys vs Girls Autism in 5 times more likely to be diagnosed in boys than in girl’s. Although the statistic doesn’t take into account the misdiagnosis of females do you think that the ratio is somewhat off at the moment. 3 Hidden Disability Autism is classed as a hidden disability as it isn’t always easy to notice in a person. 4 Mental Health Issues Every 1 in 3 adults on the autism spectrum are impacted by serve mental health conditions and need support for this. 5 Autism Name Origin The term stems from the Greek word autos meaning “self”, autism literally means “alo...

Autism Treatment - (5 MOST Effective Ones For YOU)

These are the most effective autism treatments options available to you right now. There are lots of awesome treatment plans available for people and it’s always down to the person's personal expectations and personal needs to pick which ones they typically get. I would however recommend these autism treatment options because they are very helpful and I have had each one of them. Some of the options are quite old and typical of autism therapy but there are new and exciting options available and there’s more coming out all the time. Please let me know if you have any other options that you have heard of in a comment below 1 Counseling One-on-one counseling or group therapy is an excellent way to help with emotional issues and understanding emotions. 2 Physiological Intervention This is a good way to learn about yourself and have a greater understanding of your mental health and mental health capabilities. 3 Occupational Therapy This is a fantastic option fo...

9 AUTISM In Girls Symptoms (YOU Need To Notice)

Here are 9 must see autism in girls symptoms to help you identify autism in girls. Autism in girls symptoms can differ from how it’s presented in males, a lot of the current information available for diagnostic and identification of autism in people is based around melds. Here are nine of the most common ways that you can identify autism in girls symptoms by just looking at these signs and characteristics. 1 Selective Mutism Selective mutism is where the person who will opt out of talking at certain social situations because they are overloading for them. 2 Masking This is where a person on the autism spectrum who is female will try to act neuro typical around other people in social situations and hide their autistic characteristics. 3 End Of Day Meltdowns When an autistic female is masking all day at the end of the day once they come home they may feel so overwhelmed that everything that they have been hiding all day will come out in a meltdown. 4 Obse...