These are 5 of the most common aspergers behaviour traits that you mistake every day!
Asperger’s syndrome can impact people in ways that may be difficult to notice that are aligned with autism.
1.Clumsiness & Poor Motor Coordination
Autism can presently a lot of poor coordination skills and cause clumsiness in people on the autism spectrum.

2.Issues With Social Functioning
Autistic people will have issues with social functions like socialising and social functioning.
3.Expansive Language In Subject Areas
People diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome usually have a very expansive language in a specific subject area of Thier interest.
4.Above Average IQ
Studies have shown that people diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome show to have an above average intelligence in 80% of cases studied.

5.Favouring Alone Time
People on the autism spectrum will favour being alone than socialising in social groups or gatherings.
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