Best Autism Stimming Tips YOU Will Read This Year!
Autism stimming is something that is common in every autistic person, but are they getting the most out of it?
WATCH MORE ON STIMMING 👉🏼 Autism STIMMING: everything YOU NEED to know (2018)
Autism Stimming can happen for a multiple of reasons that are super intersteing. Stimming can occur if an autistic person is excited, you may see hand flapping or rocking back and forth.
Other relationships with stimming include being nervous or anxious, these can cause the same types of autism stimming behaviour.
As well as an autistic person may stim with a gadget or fidget toy to help them relax or concentration on thoughts and ideas. This is a particularly good thing when an autistic person needs to calm down.
Here are some awesome tips for autism stimming.
1 Secret Stimm
When out in public if you feel the need to stim, take a fidget gadget or toy with you to have in your pocket, that you can stim with discreetly if you are wanting to not draw attention to yourself.
2 The Worry Stim
If you are getting worried or anxious about something, I would recommend going to your room or somewhere safe and comfortable and just letting it all out in a stim, shake your body flap hands etc.
3 Honesty Stim
Be open and honest with your friends and family about your Stims and when you stim. This will help you be more confident and feel more accepted if and when you stim.
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