9 AUTISM In Girls Symptoms (YOU Need To Notice)

thumbnail of woman holding bananas Here are 9 must see autism in girls symptoms to help you identify autism in girls. Autism in girls symptoms can differ from how it’s presented in males, a lot of the current information available for diagnostic and identification of autism in people is based around melds. Here are nine of the most common ways that you can identify autism in girls symptoms by just looking at these signs and characteristics. 1 Selective Mutism Selective mutism is where the person who will opt out of talking at certain social situations because they are overloading for them. 2 Masking This is where a person on the autism spectrum who is female will try to act neuro typical around other people in social situations and hide their autistic characteristics. 3 End Of Day Meltdowns When an autistic female is masking all day at the end of the day once they come home they may feel so overwhelmed that everything that they have been hiding all day will come out in a meltdown. 4 Obsessive Collection Autism in girls will often that she would self as being a collective type of obsession of a genre they are really into it and they will collect everything.
man in cap holding his head in his hands
5 Issues With Friendships Girls on the autism spectrum may find it difficult to maintain friendships because they are finding it hard to relate to people who are neuro typical. 6 Exhaustion & Fatigue When the girl with autism is masking all day this can be very exhausting and can cause exhaustion and fatigue and extreme tiredness at the end of the day or on the weekend if they have been masking all week. 7 Difficulty With Eye Contact People with autism will definitely have issues with I contact and maintaining eye contact during conversations. 8 Extreme Shyness (quite) Autistic females are known to be quiet and quite shy and reserved when they are in social situations or with the family members 9 Fussy Eating Picky eating or fussy eating is definitely a common characteristic with females on the autism spectrum and people on the autism spectrum in general. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/NUPQ_GyDo74?si=lBalo9_xcsc-GK6Y https://theaspieworld.com/9-autism-in-girls-symptoms-you-need-to-notice/?feed_id=918&_unique_id=65c60ec25d948


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