
Showing posts from March, 2024

Autism And School | 3 Tips For Coping At School (This Is Why You Need It)

Autism and school can be super difficult. These tips are what you need for success! I am well rehearsed in the issues if autism and schooling, as I have been through it all right up to my degree in Chemistry. So I have mapped out 3 essential tips to have a successful time in school with an autism spectrum disorder. 1.Create A Personal Learners Plan Meet with your school and course coordinators (usually they have a SENCO) and ask them help craft a learning plan that can be haded to all teachings that you are in the class of, with your special assistance and reasonable adjustments on. 2.Label Hand Outs We all get handed lots of paper hand outs and this can get really confusing as organisation isn’t a strong point for people on the autism spectrum. The tip here is to label each paper with the date and a page number, so you know what pages were from what date and in what order. 3.Use Dictation Software Now this tip is a must for autistic people who also ha...

Aspergers And Emotions | This Is Why Autistic People Have Issues WIth Emotion

Here is why aspergers and emotions have a difficult balance in every day life. People on the autism spectrum have a difficulty with all levels of communication. This can be in the form of social communication and or sensory processing disorder, but also it can be emotional communication. The ability to know ones emotions and feelings is a skill, but to then communicate those emotional feelings to other people is an acquired skill that autistic people have difficulty in. It is all down to how the autistic brain understands the way it communicates with the outside world. Everything about autism comes down to communication. Without efficient emotional communication an Autistc person will have stressful outbursts and in lots of cases meltdowns. If you have anything you would like to add to this conversation please drop a comment. I read every comment so it is never wasted. Also if you want to see more autism content pease follow @theaspieworld Video: https://...

Autism And Gluten - (Can Gluten Free Actually Help YOU?)

So can going gluten free really help with Autistc people? I’m investigating all that right now. As a common knowledge based idea, lots of people recommend going gluten free for people on the autism spectrum. In terms of the reasons for this, there are mix responses. The first you may hear is fantasy misconception that gluten free can cure autism (this is NOT true - autism cannot be cured). The other reason is that people on the autism spectrum usually have GI issues (gastrointestinal) like IBS etc. Keeping this in mind, it is found that gluten may irritate GI conditions more than if you excluded it from your diet. So In conclusion, I feel that going gluten free can help with some GI issues for sure, but it isn’t a cure for any traits of autism. If you have anything to add to this, please pop it in a comment as I read every one. Also please follow @theaspieworld for more autism content. Video: https://the...

Autism And Other Conditions (5 MOST COMMON)

Here are 5 of the most common co occurring conditions within autism spectrum disorder. I myself have Autism, ADHD, OCD and Dyslexia so here are 5 of the most common co-occurring conditions that are present within people with autism. 1.ADHD Notably the most common and popularly known is ADHD. This is probably the no.1 issues that is diagnosed along side autism. 2.IBS Almost everyone on the autism spectrum will have GI issues like IBS and other gut related problems. It is an unusual phenomenon but one that is common within autism. 3.Dyslexia As autism is a learning difficulty it usually comes with other learning difficulties, and the most common one is dyslexia. 4.Sensory Processing Disorder SPD is within pretty much every autistic person and cannot be diagnosed independently of autism. This means that you can only get a diagnoses of SPD if you are on the autism spectrum. 5.Fibromyalgia Now this condition impacts girls more than males but is hug...

5 Signs Of AUTISM In Toddlers (MUST SEE)

Here are the 5 must see signs of autism in toddlers if you are wanting to identify it. There are many ways in which autism can present itself in children and toddlers. I have listed out 5 of the most easy ways you can identify autism traits in toddlers. 1.Non Responsive To Name Typically an Autistc toddler won’t respond to their name when you are calling them, almost like they cannot hear you at all. 2.Not Wanting Hugs As autism impacts social, communication and emotional understanding autistic toddlers will probably have an aversion to hugs and close contact. 3.Lone Play Autistic children will favour lone play or isolated play over playing with other children or in a group. 4.Eye Contact Issues Autistic people have issues creating and maintaining eye contact, which is an easy give away if a toddler is on the spectrum. 5.Not Smiling When Smiled At When you smile at an autistic toddler they probably won’t smile back due to a lack of understandi...

5 Athletes With Autism YOU Should SEE! (AMAZING)

Here are 5 athletes with autism that will SHOCK YOU! Autism is classed as a hidden or invisible disability and for this matter it is hard to know who is on the spectrum or not in a public setting. I have found these 5 amazing autistic athletes who will blow you away with how awesomely skilled they are. So here are 5 athletes with autism that you probably didn’t know about! 1. Jim Eisenreich – Major League Baseball Player He started playing in 1982 and played his Rookie season for the Minnesota Twins. Eisenreich suffered from uncontrollable tics and twitches, common symptoms of a then-misunderstood Tourette’s Syndrome. Although well-known for his Tourette’s Syndrome, he is also on the Autism Spectrum with his later diagnosis of Asperger’s. Eisenreich withdrew from MLB in 1984 due to his uncontrollable tics, and sought the help of medical professionals. 2. Jason McElwain – Basketball Player Jason McElwain, nicknamed J-Mac (born October 20, 1988), is an American...

Autism And Executive Functioning Skills - 5 Tips For Keeping YOU Organised (AWESOME)

Autism and executive function skills can be super difficult to stay on top of. Here are 5 awesome tips you need to stay organised! I am a huge victim of the executive function downfalls and being on the autism spectrum it is no surprise. Lots of autistic people have the same issues in theses areas, so I decided to create a list of ways that help me with this issues. Here are 5 simple but effective ways to stay organised. 1.Lists Make lists on everything, like a to do list. Make sure to put everything on the list as soon as you know about it so you don’t forget to write it on the list later. 2.Calendar Us a visual calendar on your wall or on a tablet / phone to show you dates and input plans that you make as soon as they arrive, so you can keep on top of events etc. 3.Reminders Use a reminders app on your Alexa, your smart phone or tablet to remind you to do things. I find this the most important tool I use in my tool belt. Without reminders I would ...

5 FACTS about AUTISM YOU Have To See!

Here are 5 super interesting facts about autism you need to see! I love learning and knowing about the history and the development of autism research . I have collected a few of the interesting facts about autism and I am sure you are going to enjoy them. 1.History Autism was first studies in the 1940s 2.Name Change It was originally called early infertile autism, from the research done by Leo Kanner in the early stages. 3.More Common In Males? Autism is currently 3 times more likely to be diagnosed in males than females. There is a lot of skepticism around this due to the difference male top female traits 4.Diagnosis On The Rise There is a large increase in the amount of people diagnosed now, these could be factors down to a rise in understanding and a development in the diagnosis approach. 5.No Known Cause There is currently no known cause of autism, the only understanding of it is that it is genetic. Please leave a comment if you have...

Aspergers And High School - (How YOU Deal With Social Situations 3 TIPS)

This is how to deal with socialising for aspergers and high school situations! So having an autism spectrum disorder is hard enough from day to do without adding in other things like school. School comes with a whole host of issues including pressure to make and maintain friends in social situations. I have listed 3 tips for detailing with social situations for people on the autism spectrum in high school. 1.Be Polite Also be nice and polite to people in social situations as you want them to know that you area nice person and they will become better friends with you because of your niceness. 2.Strike Interest Striking out and interest matching conversation is key to creating good conversations. Find people who share the same interests as you and strike up a conversation. 3.Pier Pressure The most important thing in situations of social groups is that, if you do not feel comfortable with a situation you don’t do it, you respectfully decline. Never do ...

What Is Aspergers? 5 known Facts YOU Need To Know

Want to know what Aspergers is? I’m discussing all that and more right now. Aspergers is a neurological developmental autism spectrum disorder / condition. It is part of he autism spectrum disorder and has had an interesting history. Here are 5 key elements and facts that you can find super interesting about Asperger’s Syndrome. 1.Neurological Disorder Asperger’s syndrome is a neurological developmental disorder which is present in people who are diagnosed on the autism spectrum. The diagnosis was typically given in people who were on the autism spectrum without a high need of support. 2.Autism Spectrum Disorder Aspergers Syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder meaning it is part of the autism neurological condition that is known and is diagnosed in one in 100 people in the UK and one in 60 people in United States of America. 3.Behaviour Traits Asperger’s is characterised by behavioural traits any person, these include lack of eye contact obsessive focus o...

Why Autism Girls Do This One Odd Thing (INTERESTING)

This is a super interestingly odd thing that girls with autism do!! We all know by now that autism isn’t exclusive to just males. But there are some very ingesting differences between the behaviour and theirs that makes display compared to females But above all else autism in girls displays this one very off but super interesting behaviour. That is: ‘Inappropriate Or No Facial Gestures’ Women with autism will typically display the wrong facial expression for what they are feeling and in some cases they will not display any gesture at all. This is all down to the fact that autism is a communication issue that develops neurologically. If you have anything to add please pop it in a comment below, I read and respond to every comment. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:

Aspergers In Adulthood (7 Simple Ways To Spot It)

Here are 7 simple ways to see Asperger’s in adults FAST! There are many ways in which Asperger’s in adulthood can be spotted. But a lot of the time Aspergers missed for one reason or another. I have compiled a list of 7 very simple and effective ways you can notice it. 1.Strong Field Of Interest People on the autism spectrum have a very strong and specific field of interest that will dominate their life. 2.Intellectually Aligned Autistic people are usually very intellectual and like to think and research logically. 3.Lack Of Eye Context Autistic people will have difficulty making and maintaining eye contact in social situations. 4.Unusually Clothing Habits You may find that autistic individuals will like to wear the same clothes or same type of clothes every single day. 5.Picky Eating Sensory processing disorder come hand in hand with autism, and can create interesting and picky eating habits. 6.Socially Awkward As autism is a comm...

Aspergers In Women 3 Reasons It Is Not Diagnosed (SHOCKING)

Aspergers is 3 times LESS likely to be diagnosed in females, and this is the shocking reasons why! It is frustrating to see girls and women on the autism spectrum being misdiagnosed at first and rejected help and support they most desperately need. This is coming to a tide change in the community with the help and support of people advocating for change and major charities listening and pivoting on the issue. I have listed here 3 of the main reasons why the current diagnoses of females is 3 times less likely than that in males. 1.Old Research The original research on the subject of autistic and Aspergers was created back in the 1940s and this research was focused on behaviour in boys exclusively which overshadowed a lot of the years to come in terms of autism belief and research. 2.Professional Attitude A lot of the time misdiagnoses of autism in girls is due to the attitude of the medical industry and it is very rigid in the old way of thinking about aut...


Dear Peter McKinnon - your back pack is PERFECT FOR AUTISM! Link: So recently pledged to be a kick starter backer for Peter McKinnon’s new Nomatic camera & travel back pack, as a YouTuber who travels a lot I thought this would be perfect. One thing I didn’t realise at the time is how awesome this bag is for autistic people! This back is just super awesome and here is why. The backpack has so many pockets and zipped up compartments, you can carry anything and everything (including clothes for a few days) in it comfortably and safely. The back also has a pocket specifically for a laptop and iPad, which is just amazing as most autistic people carry iPads around with them as essentials. The back has such comfortable and soft shoulder straps that create easy and no sensory triggers, it is also water resistant and is compact enough to fit into most small travel spaces on plane...

Autism Shutdowns - Why They Happen To YOU (3 TOP Reasons)

Here is why you experience autism shutdowns and 3 of the top reasons why it happens! Autism shutdowns can happen at any time and have an entire verity of issues that can cause these shutdowns. Not only are they emotionally draining, they are also a huge impact on your daily life and can cause obstructions. What are autism shutdowns? They are basically an overload that causes you to just hold back and go into yourself by stopping communication. Autism shutdown symptoms can range from being mute to closing your eyes sitting in down with yours hands on your ears. But what do these autism shutdowns occur? Below I have listed 3 of the main reasons for autism shutdowns. 1.Information Overload When an autistic person is surrounded by too much information input, it can overload the way they story and react to data. This overload flood of information, could be written, verbal and or visual commands. 2.Socialising Overload Socialising is something that autist...

Autism Vs Social Anxiety (Why Social Anxiety Differs from Autism)

Autism vs social anxiety? What’s the difference from autism and anxiety, find out all that band more in this video! There are lots of times people question what is the difference of autism vs social anxiety? Or is there really a difference between autism and anxiety. The fact of the matter is when it comes to autism vs special anxiety there is a huge difference and this is what that difference is. With anxiety, it stems from mental health issues caused by past external sources, this could be past trauma, an existing underlying mental health condition or a current trauma that produces a social anxiety disorder. With autism, it is a neurological developmental condition that is originated in the fusion and creation of neurological paths in the brain, that create alternative paths for how the brain interactions with communication signals. Autism produces similar characteristics of social anxiety but this is due to two factors. First difficulty in understanding s...

Am I Autistc 5 Common Traits (YOU Should Know)

So you want to know if you are autistic? Here are 5 super common autism traits. So people on the autism spectrum have some very interesting and quirky behavioural traits There are lots and lots of traits of autism but there are a handful of them that are very common in almost everyone on the autism spectrum. The autism spectrum is a spectrum of different levels of support needs so bear that in mind when trying to investigate autism in somebody and seeing if they are autistic. Here are five of the most common autism traits to see if you align with these. 1.Lack Of Eye Contact People on the autism spectrum will have immense difficulty creating eye contact in social situations and eye contact in general 2.Difficulty Socialising What is that people have difficulty with socialising and creating social communication and social interaction. 3.Hyper Focusing People with autism will be able to hyper focus on a specific thing it could be looked at as the zonin...