Here are 5 super interesting facts about autism you need to see!
I love learning and knowing about the history and the development of autism research .
I have collected a few of the interesting facts about autism and I am sure you are going to enjoy them.

Autism was first studies in the 1940s
2.Name Change
It was originally called early infertile autism, from the research done by Leo Kanner in the early stages.
3.More Common In Males?
Autism is currently 3 times more likely to be diagnosed in males than females. There is a lot of skepticism around this due to the difference male top female traits
4.Diagnosis On The Rise
There is a large increase in the amount of people diagnosed now, these could be factors down to a rise in understanding and a development in the diagnosis approach.

5.No Known Cause
There is currently no known cause of autism, the only understanding of it is that it is genetic.
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