Am I Autistc 5 Common Traits (YOU Should Know)

So you want to know if you are autistic? Here are 5 super common autism traits. So people on the autism spectrum have some very interesting and quirky behavioural traits There are lots and lots of traits of autism but there are a handful of them that are very common in almost everyone on the autism spectrum. The autism spectrum is a spectrum of different levels of support needs so bear that in mind when trying to investigate autism in somebody and seeing if they are autistic. Here are five of the most common autism traits to see if you align with these. 1.Lack Of Eye Contact People on the autism spectrum will have immense difficulty creating eye contact in social situations and eye contact in general 2.Difficulty Socialising What is that people have difficulty with socialising and creating social communication and social interaction. 3.Hyper Focusing People with autism will be able to hyper focus on a specific thing it could be looked at as the zoning out of the world around them but what they are doing is zoning into something they are focusing on. 4.Lengthy Talking On Subject An autistic person may talk at length about something they are very interested in even if people are getting bored of the subject they are talking about. 5.Obsessive Interest Almost every autistic person has an obsessive interest that they completely dive in to collect everything and become completely obsessed with. If you have anything to add please leave it in a comment down below. Please follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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