Why Autism Girls Do This One Odd Thing (INTERESTING)

This is a super interestingly odd thing that girls with autism do!! We all know by now that autism isn’t exclusive to just males. But there are some very ingesting differences between the behaviour and theirs that makes display compared to females But above all else autism in girls displays this one very off but super interesting behaviour. That is: ‘Inappropriate Or No Facial Gestures’ Women with autism will typically display the wrong facial expression for what they are feeling and in some cases they will not display any gesture at all. This is all down to the fact that autism is a communication issue that develops neurologically. If you have anything to add please pop it in a comment below, I read and respond to every comment. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/xBr5jCu8akU?si=D9ldyLwnOlKXRrFm


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