Autism and executive function skills can be super difficult to stay on top of. Here are 5 awesome tips you need to stay organised!
I am a huge victim of the executive function downfalls and being on the autism spectrum it is no surprise.

Lots of autistic people have the same issues in theses areas, so I decided to create a list of ways that help me with this issues.
Here are 5 simple but effective ways to stay organised.
Make lists on everything, like a to do list. Make sure to put everything on the list as soon as you know about it so you don’t forget to write it on the list later.
Us a visual calendar on your wall or on a tablet / phone to show you dates and input plans that you make as soon as they arrive, so you can keep on top of events etc.

Use a reminders app on your Alexa, your smart phone or tablet to remind you to do things. I find this the most important tool I use in my tool belt. Without reminders I would forget any appointment I have set and any that i need to make.
4.A Place For Everything
Make sure that everything you have in your home has a specific place where it lives. So that when you finish you can put it back in it’s place. To ember where things go, just take a picture on your smart phone or iPad and make an album called ‘Tidy Place’ and refer to this when you need to tidy.
I use daily planners to get my day running in the correct order. Use a visual board or a visual app to show this. I would recommend Tiimo(https://go.onelink.me/w6CP/aspieworld)
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