Autism And Other Conditions (5 MOST COMMON)

Here are 5 of the most common co occurring conditions within autism spectrum disorder. I myself have Autism, ADHD, OCD and Dyslexia so here are 5 of the most common co-occurring conditions that are present within people with autism. 1.ADHD Notably the most common and popularly known is ADHD. This is probably the no.1 issues that is diagnosed along side autism. 2.IBS Almost everyone on the autism spectrum will have GI issues like IBS and other gut related problems. It is an unusual phenomenon but one that is common within autism. 3.Dyslexia As autism is a learning difficulty it usually comes with other learning difficulties, and the most common one is dyslexia. 4.Sensory Processing Disorder SPD is within pretty much every autistic person and cannot be diagnosed independently of autism. This means that you can only get a diagnoses of SPD if you are on the autism spectrum. 5.Fibromyalgia Now this condition impacts girls more than males but is hugely co-diagnosed with autism and I know if so many woman on the spectrum who also have fibromyalgia. Please let me know if you have anything to add to this conversation by leaving a comment below. I read every single one! Also follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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