Aspergers Checklist 5 Common Traits (YOU SHOULD KNOW)

The Aspergers Checklist - here are 5 most common traits you need to know to identify Aspergers Syndrome. Do you suspect that you or maybe someone you know has Aspergers Syndrome? Although it is now labelled Autism Spectrum Disorder this Aspergers Checklist will provide you with a good outline of the condition to identify traits in someone THE ASPERGERS CHECKLIST 1. Social Interaction Issues People with Asperger’s syndrome usually have issues with social interactions and situations. They can be unaware of social rules and constructs. 2. Repetitive Behaviour Repeating a routine of behaviour is a huge trait of Asperger’s syndrome and is a clear indication of the condition. A person with Aspergers will love doing the same thing day in day out and enjoy eating the same foods constantly. 3. Stimming Stimming is a self stimulatory behaviour that is common in autism, like rocking back and fourth when concentrating to flapping hands when worried or exited. 4. Monotone Talking People with Aspergers Syndrome, sometimes have very monotone voice pitch and can be perceived as a “boring talking voice” 5. Literal Thinking People with Aspergers Syndrome think very literal and do not understand sarcasm or jokes as easy as nurotypical people. To learn more about this please check out my YouTube video on this topic. Please save this and share with anyone you think will benefit and follow @theaspieworld for more content. Video:


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