3 Aspergers Girl Symptoms YOU Have Not Noticed

Here are 3 super in testing Aspergers girl symptoms that you have not noticed before! Aspergers is currently 3 times less likely to be diagnosed in females than it is males, and there are a number of reasons for this 3.1 ratio. But regardless of the reason for the lack of females being diagnosed with autism as much as males with autism there are a number of traits that you can iconically pick out when researching and investigating if a person is autistic. I have laid out 3 of the most interesting traits of autism in girls that are usually overlooked. 1.Collecting Items Girls on the autism spectrum will be in most cases obsessive collectors of a certain thing, be it stuffed toys, books or a DVD collection of their favourite obsession topic. 2.Hoarding Object Relationship Women with autism usually have a habit of not being able to get rid of objects like shoes or certain clothes because of the relationship they have with the item, like the item seems to have a personality to them. 3.Not Emotionally Connected Girls with autism are more likely to not want to be hugged or have a Deep emotional connection as easily as neurotypical grils do. If you have anything to add please pop it in a comment below, I read and respond to every comment. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/PlWFiaN7snM?si=35T1WxKI1VyYPh8M https://theaspieworld.com/3-aspergers-girl-symptoms-you-have-not-noticed/?feed_id=1789&_unique_id=65ea2f77a7775


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