Autism And Gluten - (Can Gluten Free Actually Help YOU?)

So can going gluten free really help with Autistc people? I’m investigating all that right now. As a common knowledge based idea, lots of people recommend going gluten free for people on the autism spectrum. In terms of the reasons for this, there are mix responses. The first you may hear is fantasy misconception that gluten free can cure autism (this is NOT true - autism cannot be cured). The other reason is that people on the autism spectrum usually have GI issues (gastrointestinal) like IBS etc. Keeping this in mind, it is found that gluten may irritate GI conditions more than if you excluded it from your diet. So In conclusion, I feel that going gluten free can help with some GI issues for sure, but it isn’t a cure for any traits of autism. If you have anything to add to this, please pop it in a comment as I read every one. Also please follow @theaspieworld for more autism content. Video:


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