Autism Meltdown vs Shutdown (5 Essentials YOU Need To Know)

What is the difference between an autism meltdown vs shutdown. We are covering all that right now! So autism comes with many intricate parts that create impacting issues for life with an autism spectrum condition. Some of these are meltdowns and shutdowns - but note that these are not the same thing. 1.An autism meltdown can be characterised by an emotional outburst of reaching the end of a sensory input overload. 2.When too many communication inputs are overloaded into an Autistc persons mind they will end up having an out bust which is seen as a meltdown, and can be noted as a feeling of despare hopelessness for that situation. 3.But with an autism shutdown, a person experiences the last straw of a situation they are trying to control and just gives up. 4.The giving up is a result of the lack of control and a lack of understanding for the situation they are currently presented in. 5.The person will be silent and docile with little to no input on the situation from that moment on. Please leave me a comment if you have anything to add to this, i read every single one. Also please follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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