Autism And School | 3 Tips For Coping At School (This Is Why You Need It)

Autism and school can be super difficult. These tips are what you need for success! I am well rehearsed in the issues if autism and schooling, as I have been through it all right up to my degree in Chemistry. So I have mapped out 3 essential tips to have a successful time in school with an autism spectrum disorder. 1.Create A Personal Learners Plan Meet with your school and course coordinators (usually they have a SENCO) and ask them help craft a learning plan that can be haded to all teachings that you are in the class of, with your special assistance and reasonable adjustments on. 2.Label Hand Outs We all get handed lots of paper hand outs and this can get really confusing as organisation isn’t a strong point for people on the autism spectrum. The tip here is to label each paper with the date and a page number, so you know what pages were from what date and in what order. 3.Use Dictation Software Now this tip is a must for autistic people who also have dyslexia and or other learning difficulties. I used my iPhone and iPad microphone dictation software on my notes app to have the device write down the lesson lecture as it was happening. You can always use an audio recorder to do this to. Please let me know if you have anything to add to this conversation by leaving a comment below. I read every single one! Also follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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