Dyslexia And Dyscalculia (Do YOU Know The Difference?)

This is the different between dyslexia and dyscalculia! So lots of people get super confused when trying to describe issues they have with learning types and learning difficulties. Dyslexia is probably one of the most popular learning difficulties in the world and impacts so many people with their lives. Dyslexia is mainly known for its impact on a persons ability to read and write to a level that is generally accepted at certain age levels of development. However dyslexia can also impact coordination and balance in a person, and also their ability to store short term memory. Dyscalculia on the other hand impacts a persons ability to recognise numbers and recite numbers efficiently. This is a big misconception that Dyscalculia is part of dyslexia but in fact the are separate issues and conditions. I myself have dyslexia but not Dyscalculia, and I know many people who just have Dyscalculia but not dyslexia. Please leave a comment if you have anything to add, I read every single one. Also please follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/VC61MLIKzKc?si=aoS75s8Hp4nEExrG  


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