This Is Why Autism And Money Can Be An Issue (5 MAIN POINTS)

Autism and money can be a huge issue in some autistic people lives and this is why! I have outline here the 5 Mina points in which money can potentially be an issues to keep track of, manage and budget for people on the autism spectrum. I for one have help with this, I have an accountant and my girlfriend to help me manage all our money ins and outs. Here are 5 main points in areas of money that can be impactful in a negative way for people on the autism spectrum. 1.Bad Organising Autistic people may find it a bit like chaos dealing with the ins and outs money on a daily basis, and this can cause huge issues. 2.Lack Consequence Awareness The idea of consequence from spending may be a difficult thing to consider for autistic people, the idea of If you spend money on this then you cant get that could be a miss and cause problems. 3.Short Term Memory Autistc people will have issues with short term member like not remembering how much you have to spend on something vs the actual price of an item. 4.Budgeting Issues Budgeting is a skill that any one including neurotypical people have issues with, however autistic people can have majorly issues trying to prioritise budgeting. 5.Forward Planning Issues As short term memory is something of an issue with autism, an Autistc person may forgetting to pay for bills in the future, and forget to set up future payments etc. Please leave a comment if you have anything to add. Also follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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