Autism Late Diagnosis - Everything YOU NEED To Know (5 ESSENTIALS)

This is everything you need to know about a late autism diagnosis. As many autistic adults these days, I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome when I was 26 years old. This is a pretty late diagnosis when considering people usually are diagnosed with autism between the ages of 3 and 5 years old. As soon as I was diagnosed I was lost, very lost as I didn’t know what information was available, if there was any help available or if I was able to access any support. Here is a check list of things you need to do after diagnosis. 1.Search For Local Authority: Doing a search for local authority support and help for autism is your first point of call. They will direct you to any help they can support you with. 2.Look for local Autism Charities: Locating your local autism charity is a must, as they have so many access points to help people in your situation. 3.Autism Support Groups When I was diagnosed, a huge help was going to autism support groups I found locally. There will be lots in your area, just do a facebook search for them. 4.Tell Your Work Or School Telling your work and school right away is an amazing way to install their duty of care and resonant adjustments for you in your play of work or study. 5.Tell Friends And Family Telling your friends and family is a good way to update everyone on your issues and formal diagnosis, and will help you gain support from them. Please leave me a comment if you have anything to add to this, i read every single one. Also please follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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