This is how Asperger’s Syndrome directly impacts the daily life of people with the condition.
I have my fair share of issues with daily life, but I feel there are some common issues that we on the autism spectrum all share.
I have listed out 3 issues and how to deal with them below.

1.Home Skills
Learning how to work the washing machine, the cooker and knowing how to wash the floor are all super skills that autistic people don’t always understand as easy as non Autistc individuals. So to combat this, you can record a video on your phone or tablet to show how this can be done as a reference.
2.Short Term Memory Issues
People on the autism spectrum have huge issues with short term member, from remembering why they walked into a room to remembering to put a date down for their appointments in their calendars. To over come this use apps like google assistant and Siri to plan and set reminders for you in your notes and calendar apps

3.Following Tasks
Following task list like to dos, and even cooking instructions can be very difficult to grasp for people on the autism spectrum, and can be so hard to understand. Have the tasks written down in emoji or picture format as a visual guide is better to follow.
Please let me know if you have anything to add to this conversation by leaving a comment below. I read every single one! Also follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content.
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