5 Anxiety Symptoms In Men YOU Should Spot!

Anxiety can hit anyone at any age at any time, but there are lots of men out there who will brush it off because admitting that they are feeling unwell can show a weakness. This is due to societal pressure of how a man should act and should respond. Here are 5 Anxiety Symptoms in Men YOU SHOULD Spot! 1. Racing Heart When adrenaline starts pumping round your body due to anxiety increases the heart rate and will start beating rapidly. 2. Excessive Sweating When adrenaline is moving around the body it also causes clamminess and you begin to sweat in a sort of cold sweat. 3. Muscle Tension Your muscles will start to get tighter and tense because of the fight or flight response system that your body is currently undergoing. 4. Restlessness or Agitation Due to the male dominance of testosterone agitation will be prominent when experiencing anxiety. 5. Dizziness and Vertigo This rush of adrenaline and the fight or flight response will also cause you to be dizzy and experience vertigo because there is no imminent danger just an anxiety attack. If you have anything to add to this conversation please pop it in a comment below. I read every single comment os it is never wasted. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more mental health content. Video: https://youtu.be/As3Pm2XnhjU?si=XZhhZrQm--LI4wrE  


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