Why are girls with autism always forgotten about? Here is why!
There is an odd occurrence that happens in regards to autism in girls.
Autism is three times more likely to be diagnosed in meals and is females, this is a statistic that almost highlights that is Miss three times more common in males and is females.
But this is just not the case autism in females is probably just as common but all of the diagnostic criteria is set up and was set up and founded on research based on males with the condition.

Also autism diagnosis in females may be the last thing that a doctor will actually pursue when investigating behavioural traits in a female, usually they will go for personality disorders or generalised anxiety.
Here are three reasons why females are probably forgotten about on the autism spectrum.
1.Old Data
Most if not all of the data that was created on the research of autism to create the diagnostic criteria was based upon research of meals with autism spectrum conditions, this does not translate females.

2.Different Diagnostic criteria
When diagnosing girls with autism, there will be different diagnostician criteria to consider that is different to that of males on the autism spectrum.
Masking is where Autistc women will mask their issues and difficulties to try to fit in during social and public settings.
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