Autism And Driving - The Secret To Overcoming The Issues (MUST WATCH!)

Here is the secret to autism and driving issues you NEED to see! So you are having issues with driving and being on the autism spectrum right? Lots of people believe that autistic people cannot drive and are un-able to learn to drive. This is simply not true, I’m autistic and I drive. Autistic people can drive but they just need a little bit of extra help when trying to learn to drive. When I was learning to drive I realise what one of the biggest issues was for me. Learning to drive in a car was so overwhelming as there was so many different parts to remember and memorise whilst sitting in a car with an instructor. Not only that you also had to make sure that you were sensory okay so the temperature and the smells and the sounds were okay for you to drive. But the main thing that came for me was that when I realised how the car worked logically looking at the engine knowing how the gearbox worth knowing how the clutch worked when I realised how this worked driving but have so much more easier for me. So for autistic people it’s not simply learning how to drive a car it’s only how the car drives. If you have anything to add to this conversation please pop it in a comment below. I read every single comment os it is never wasted. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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