Good Jobs For Autism - How To Find And Keep A Job (MUST SEE)

What are some good jobs for autism? Here is the best ones and how to keep them! There are lots of opportunities available for people on the autism spectrum, for instance Microsoft have a dedicated section that is open to job applications from autistic people exclusively because of the detailed and focused work they can produce. But it’s not just Microsoft that will look to seek the awesome work that I was the person can contribute. Many other companies do this to. However it is more interesting to see the level of self-employed autistic people currently on the rise. I have listed out three ways in which you can seek and find a job that suits an autistic person and also tips along the way of how to maintain these types of jobs. 1.Local Authority Most local authority Agencey’s have designated programs for Autistc people to find work. They will usually also have a resume building course to help you create that to. As with any job you apply for, researching the company is a must and is a good way to let them know you are serious. 2.Self Employment A good option is to home in on what you are best at, and seek to create a self employment opportunity with this. Local authority may be able to help you get small projects off the ground. 3.Training Lots of new industries have opportunities if you are well researched and training in that field. I suggest getting books from the library and finding online courses to take in the industry you want to access, so when you apply for the position you have lots of knowledge and insight into that position. If you have anything you would like to add to this conversation please drop a comment. I read every comment so it is never wasted. Also if you want to see more autism content pease follow @theaspieworld Video:


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