Aspergers Communication - 3 Ways YOU Can Make Friends (TOP WAYS)

This is how to make friends if you have issues with Aspergers communication, top 3 ways! Aspergers communication can pose lots of difficulties so here are 3 ways you can make friends!! 1.Like Minded Interest Try to look for people who will have the same interests as you. This could be going to events or group meet ups of the type of stuff you are interested in. You can also try this online with Facebook groups and subreddit to find people on your genre. As having a common interest with people will allow you to be able to talk about stuff you both enjoy, and can lead to a good lasting relationship. 2.Be Honest When making friends, it is important to be honest with everything. If you don’t like something or don’t want to do something then you must be honest about it. People relate more to honesty than dishonesty. So always try to be nice, kind and honest with everyone you are friends with. 3.Listen Aspergers can present some issues with knowing when to stop talking and when it is your turn to talk. This could mean that you may seem like you are not listening to the other person. It is important to listen to your fiends and respond to their conversations. The same way they will for you. If you have anything to add to this conversation please pop it in a comment below. I read every single comment os it is never wasted. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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