Famous People With Aspergers - 10 Historical Icons (You Never knew)

Here are 10 famous people with Asperger’s syndrome you never new about before!! There has been some amazing people through our history of science and arts that help shape the world we know today. This is largely down to how they perceived and saw the world. Because of that, autism played a huge part in this. Here are 10 of the most interesting historical icons that were and are on the autism spectrum. 1.Albert Einstein Influential scientist 2.Issac Newton Influential scientist 3.Hans Christian Andersen famous impactful author. 4.Charles Darwin Philosopher and famous scientist. 5.Thomas Jefferson Early influential American politician. 6.Andy Warhol Very influential artist and photographer. 7.Nikola Tesla Amazingly clever scientist. 8.Steve Jobs Creator of Apple. 9.Lewis Carroll Famous children’s books author. 10.Stanley Kubrick Highly inspiring film and movie director. Please leave a comment if you have anything to add, I read every single one. Also please follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/croP1NoZIz4?si=dZ9mkXHdpSU2UpO1  


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