Tourette’s And Autism | What Do YOU Know About These?

So what do you know about Tourette’s and Autism? Are they linked? Are they the same? I’m explain all that. So Tourette’s is such an interesting neurological condition that impacts about 1 in 163 people on average, and is a difficult condition to deal with at times. It creates impulses of tics, which are involuntary nosies, or sounds or movements that just occur in random succession. There is a link that exists between autism and Tourette’s and that is that they are both neurological conditions and that they both enable tics. I experience tics with autism, which are impulsive reactions to situations. For example if I am overwhelmed stressed, or nervous I have a tic that occurs where I hit my chest and cough. Tourette’s is sometimes co-occurring in autism to, so a person could be diagnosed with autism and also Tourette’s at the same time. But they are also diagnosable independent of each other, so you can be diagnosed with only autism and or only Tourette’s. Another linking factor that joins Tourette’s and autism together is the fact that there is no known cause for either of these unique conditions. If you have anything to add to this, please pop it in a comment as I read every one. Also please follow @theaspieworld for more autism content. Video:


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