Autism Meltdowns | The Difference Between Meltdowns And Tantrums (ESSENTIAL WATCH)

This is the difference between autism meltdowns and tantrums! There is a lot of issues with the way in which people understand autism and it’s complex issues. People often will call a meltdown as a tantrum, but that is not the case and here is why. Am autism meltdown is caused by an overload of information, this could be sensory input or any kind of information flow to an autistic person. The autistic person cannot compute the communication request from the external stimuli that is happening and has an outburst of emotions, again from the miscommunication of emotional communication. This is an involuntary reaction to an involuntary situation that is out of the control of the autistic person. With a tantrum, this is a voluntary action happening in a situation where the want’s of a persons titration are not met. The person who is creating the tantrum is able to stop at any time and is in full control of the tantrum, which is not what happens during an autism meltdown. If you have anything you would like to add to this conversation please drop a comment. I read every comment so it is never wasted. Also if you want to see more autism content pease follow @theaspieworld Video:


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