Children With AUTISM What NOT To Expect (ESSENTIAL)

What not to expect from children with autism! What an impact such a wide range of children from any age group of any background and it comes along with some personality traits that people can find challenging. There are a lot of expectations put on to children and what parents expect of their children, but with autism 70s expectations have to be realised they will never be achieved. Here are three expectations that you should never expect from a child with autism 1.Eye Contact Hi children with autism have a real difficult time creating and maintaining eye contact with anyone. 2.Responding To Name Lots of the time due to zone out autistic children will not respond to their name, not because they are ignoring you or because they can’t hear you it is simply because they are focusing on something else intensively. 3.Hugs & Cuddles Because autism comes with a host of sensory processing issues and also emotional communication issues, Autistic children may not want or enjoy hugs and cuddles from the parents. If you have anything to add to this conversation please pop it in a comment below. I read every single comment os it is never wasted. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video:


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