Prosopagnosia - Why YOU Cannot Recognise Faces (Autism)

What is Prosopagnosia? Can you recognise these faces? Autism can be a complex condition to try to explain and see a full picture. But there are some ways we can break it down to understand what it is like to be on the autism spectrum. Along with a host of other issues prosopagnosia comes hand in hand with autism. It is a face blindness or basically the inability to distinguish peoples faces and even family. Although prosopagnosia is part of autism, it can however be diagnosed on it’s own as an independent condition. It causes a host of confusion when trying to remember to speak with someone or say hi in passing. I have huge issues with knowing who people are by looking at them and refer to just their voice or shoes. If you have anything you would like to add to this conversation please drop a comment. I read every comment so it is never wasted. Also if you want to see more autism content pease follow @theaspieworld Video:


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